Business Partners

J-Land Partners

All key partners directly involved in J-Land’s business operations

Sazeh Mandegar Toral (SMT)

Founded in February 2021, SMT was established with the experience of its founders, who have over 20 years of expertise in the construction industry. In 2022, it joined the Bonyan Group.

Navaran Company

Founded in February 1973 in the construction industry, Navaran became part of the Bonyan Group in 2021.

Arvand Bonyan Service (J-Service)

Founded with the goal of maintaining and managing buildings (commercial, residential, and office) using advanced technologies and skilled, dedicated staff.

Che Khabar Safar Sepahr Travel & Tourism Services (J-Trip)

Commenced operations in 2021 with a focus on providing tourism services to organizations

Bonyan Toranj Bahar Chain Cafes (J-Cafe)

J-Cafe chain started operations in 2022 with the goal of completing its value chain and producing fresh, high-quality products.

Co Partner 6

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Bonyan Narrative

Sikas Tamin Bonyan Holding focuses on advancing construction standards through innovative and sustainable technologies. To meet evolving societal needs, it has expanded into construction, tourism, food & beverages, and engineering services.